Focus VPN is a British website. In 2008, the company launched a VPN service. It also provides a 4-hour free trial of free VPN service. The VPN server is located in the United Kingdom. The free trial account supports PPTP connections, with restrictions It can only transmit the content of HTTP and ICMP protocols. It does not support FTP, Telnet, etc. The bandwidth is 128K. Focus VPN only requires simple registration, no email activation, and no need to download any software. You can use it with the tools that come with the system.
Registration address:
After simple registration, you will receive an activation email in your mailbox, such as the one received by a good VPS For:
Username: Username: zrblog
Password: Password
VPN Server: VPN host address
VPN protocol: VPN transmission protocol PPTP
Then we create it on the computer VPN connection, taking XP as an example:
"Control Panel" - "Network Connection" - find the 'Create a new connection' item:
Click "Next" to start the connection wizard
Select ' Connect to my workplace network', click Next
Select 'Virtual Private Network Connection' in the network connection wizard, Next
Enter a name (optional) for 'Company Name' in the new VPN and click Next.
Select a 'Public Network' and click Next. (If you have other connections before, you may see "Company Network", select 'Do not dial the initial connection')
Enter the host name or IP address of the computer you want to connect to, that is, the "VPN Server" above, that is and click Next.
Until "done".
A dial-up window will appear. Enter the username and password filled in during registration.
The next step is to set the PPTP connection method, select "Properties (O)" in the dial-up window, and in the tab "Network" - change the VPN type from Automatic to PPTP.
Solutions to Focus VPN connection error prompts:
Usually when using a router to access the Internet, you will encounter an "Error: 769" prompt. This is because your routing NAT settings are not enabled to allow pptp connections.
If "Error: 678" appears, just connect again after a while or restart the computer.

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