Why a random talk? It's just more casual. I talk about whatever comes to my mind, and it doesn't have to be comprehensive. When I started writing jokes, I was still afraid of being criticized and put online, so it would be much better if I switched to casual talks. The majority of blog readers are price-sensitive, and this blog mainly focuses on sharing cheap product information. Although it is not true that you get what you pay for, there is still some truth in it, so buying the best product with the least money is still just a hope.


The cheap VPS hosts we talked about today are mainly the ones with the craziest promotional emails recently, including AlphaRacks, WootHosting, nfphosting, HiFormance, HostMyBytes, etc., as for others, I will not discuss them today. . The above merchants all have Los Angeles computer rooms on the West Coast of the United States. Except for HiFormance which is a Los Angeles CC computer room, the others are all Los Angeles QN computer rooms.

Regarding the feedback received by Juhezhiqun, the feedback on AlphaRacks is mainly about performance, especially OpenVZ. I personally own two of them with different architectures. The performance of OpenVZ is indeed poor, and it is recommended to choose KVM; although this There should be some connection between home and WootHosting and nfphosting (personal guess, I am not responsible for this), but after all, the latter two appear less often and less frequently, so there are relatively few complaints. Some;

Feedback from HiFormance includes poor line quality, mediocre product performance (especially OpenVZ), and some readers have reported credit issues. However, I saw someone on a forum saying that refunds are more convenient, and this is the specific feedback from friends who have signed up.

The main problem with HostMyBytes is that the opened host is confusing. For example, the opened host IP is not your own, cannot be connected, can be pinged even after shutting down, etc. It seems that there are too many orders, and all kinds of troubles occur while busy!


Blogs often see low-cost monthly payment or first-month hosting, which are suitable for practicing. However, I personally feel that low-cost annual payment is not suitable for novices for three reasons:

1. For novices who have never been exposed to VPS hosting, it is best if the host can be opened immediately. The kind that cannot be opened immediately, or there are various problems that need to be communicated after being opened, is obviously not suitable for urgent use;

2. Most novices generally have high expectations for hosts, especially those who have never used overseas VPS hosts. It is estimated that it will be difficult to adapt to overseas speeds. In addition, you get what you pay for in terms of performance, which can easily lead to a strong sense of disappointment;

3. Novice friends are most likely to encounter various usage problems, and because they have weak hands-on ability at the beginning, most of the support and speed of cheap consoles are not satisfactory, which can easily make people mad.


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