News from WHT, LusoVPS is launching a VPS test plan for $1 for the first month. In addition, this test plan is not a simple order, it is still a little troublesome, and you need to send an email to the host provider.
The VPS provided by LusoVPS for the first month at US$1 includes the following configurations:

Memory: 1GB
Hard disk: 75GB
Monthly traffic: 1TB
Xen HVM or PV

[Application method]Since this test is only for registered users of WHT, you must first ensure that you have a WHT account. Then, send an email to this address: [email protected]. The hosting company will reply to the email and ask you to transfer $1 to the other party's PayPal account, and then wait for the activation. Email template (this template comes from the global forum):

Hi LusoVPS,
I'm writing to apply for your $1 1024 XEN, I found your offer on and my username of WHT is XXX(your username in webhostingtalk) .
Thanks for your service.
Kind Regards,
XXX(your name)

[Test IP]
Some people say it is from France, but the test IP seems to be from Germany. It is not clear which country it is from. The hosting provider's domain name is registered from GD and resolved on I don't know if it is reliable. However, the configuration of US$1 for the first month is quite attractive, but the renewal is more sad, which is US$9.99 per month. Friends who like to mess around, please come here. Good VPS did not join in the fun this time. Someone on the forum has already got it. It can compile LNMP in 25 minutes, which is quite impressive.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

Tags: 1 USD VPS, LusoVPS, VPS Test

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