LocVps is a newly opened Chinese VPS hosting provider, which was opened by the global forum KWX. When I see this domain name, I naturally think of its Chinese name: Global VPS! LocVps provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system, supporting linux or windows systems. The data center is selected from the Los Angeles MC computer room.
LocVps provides packages starting from 512MB. At the beginning of its opening, it provides a lifetime 50% discount (49 yuan/month after discount) for 512MB products, and a 25% lifetime discount (discount) for packages of 1GB and above. 49.5 yuan/month). Looking at the price in brackets, will you still buy the 512 package? Directly share the 1GB package configuration information.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard drive: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 800GB
1 IP/Xensystem
Test IP:
Discount code: Locvps50 (50% off) Locvps25 (25% off)
Click to go to the global vps official website →
Speaking Nowadays, VPS is really selling for a lot of money. 1G It should be noted that in order to maximize system performance, only the 1.5G memory and above packages provided by LocVps support Windows systems. Please see simple VPS information below.
CPU information: 2*E5-2603
Memory and hard disk information: Please note that the hard disk is 10GB by default. Please mount the remaining 20GB by yourself ( how to mount see here )
Port rate information
Disk IO information
Los Angeles MC The domestic access speed of the computer room is good. It takes 28 minutes for a good VPS to compile Junge LNMP. The overall performance is good, especially the price and configuration.