In fact, for lnmp, you can use SFTP instead of FTP. However, Good VPS always feels that although SFTP is safe for transmission, the speed is really not complimentable. Anyway, I feel it is much slower than FTP ( I mean on the same VPS), so I also set up an FTP to transfer files.
First, of course, SSH to our VPS. (Tip: The establishment of FTP can be executed immediately after the lnmp one-click installation package is completed~)
Here, I installed PureFTPd and the management panel (Note: This article is only a recording process, not a tutorial)
First, execute the command :./ It is worth noting that if you have just completed the lnmp installation, execute this command directly, because you are in the lnmp folder. If you install it later, after the root user logs in, please execute: cd first lnmp0.7/ (enter the lnmp0.7 folder).
Below, we see Please input your root password of mysql: (Enter our MySQL root user password)
Then, we see Please input password of User manager: (Enter the FTP management panel user password)
After pressing Enter, you also need to enter a MySQL FTP database password. You can specify a password, or press Enter directly. I took a screenshot of the above steps (the password in my box is the password automatically generated by pressing Enter):
Then, press Enter and wait for the installation to be completed! The installation process is very fast, and it will be OK in a minute or two (if your VPS configuration is slightly lower, the time may be extended accordingly)
Once completed, you can use our default domain name (or IP address)/FTP to manage our FTP user. Below is the management interface, you can add FTP users directly and conveniently.
[Postscript]Actually, I did not write the title this time as a tutorial, because these things can be seen in the official website, Good VPSWrite it down, just record a process. There are a lot of trolls these days, and recording a process will become someone else’s copyright, so it’s better not to write any tutorials!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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