Recently, I saw some netizens mentioning AppNode. I happened to have never tried it, so I found a VPS to install it and recorded the process. Everyone is welcome to discuss it. AppNode is a Linux server cluster management panel developed by Fuzhou Quyun Information Technology Co., Ltd. It is different from the host management panel we have shared before. In addition to creating websites, it can also install Control Center+ The controlled terminal centrally manages multiple servers.

The picture below is the login page, which is basically similar to the login in other panels. The difference is that there is an additional terms of service prompt.
After logging in, you will reach the main interface. Here we can see the steps to create a website. First, go to the running environment management to create the running environment, and then you can create the website. There are also There are one-click installations for some commonly used websites.


The free version can create 3 websites, the VIP version does not limit website data, and the price is 98 yuan per year; the VIP+SSL version adds an SSL certificate on top of VIP, starting at 126 yuan per year, and for most users, the free version is also Ready to use. In general, the installation is relatively simple and fast, but the use is more troublesome. I saw some forums saying that it takes two days to get familiar with it, so it is still not suitable for novices. For example, if I need a simple website building environment, I think it is too cumbersome. Yes, friends who have professional needs may like some.
Official website:


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