ZBench.sh is also a test script that I often use in Zhiju’s test articles. It is a script integrated on the basis of Bench.sh and SuperBench. It adds ping and routing tests and can also Generate test reports and view various information intuitively.


Chinese version:
wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionClub/ZBench/master/ZBench-CN.sh && bash ZBench-CN.sh

English version:
wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionClub/ZBench/master/ZBench.sh && bash ZBench.sh

Just execute the above command. If the Chinese version is garbled, please use the English version.
The following is my test information on an OpenVZ VPS. The script lists the basic configuration parameters of the host, IO, bandwidth tests, pings from various places and other information. If you choose to generate a report, you can also view the line routing situation.
Review of VPS testing tool :
Linux VPS simple performance test     https://www.zrblog.net/2284.html
Linux VPS one-click test server parameters/IO/bandwidth and other scripts: SuperBench  https://www.zrblog .net/20532.html
Linux VPS backhaul routing test tool: traceroute   https://www.zrblog.net/20431.html


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