Yesterday, we shared the product information of Linode after the traffic upgrade. We have not forgotten that promise. Today we will take a look at the simple performance of its VPS and its backend interface that is different from other ones. If you need to review product information and introduction, you can read the earlier article (Linode introduction). The test in this article is based on the current official lowest configuration of a Linode 512 package, Tokyo node in Japan. The monthly payment is 19.95 US dollars, and the natural monthly billing (that is, if you pay the bill today, it will be calculated until the end of the month. Don’t think you are taking advantage or Linode gives you a special discount).

Because Linode is a customized VPS management panel, which is different from SolusVM and the like, I specially added a background preview section. When we place an order online, the VPS is activated immediately. When placing the order, we set a Linode login username and password. After the payment is completed, we receive the management address and log in with our own account and password. First, select You need to create a VPS node, then identify the VPS and set SWAP, disk and other information yourself.
The above steps, because I forgot to leave a picture when doing the operation, which is sad, but it is quite simple. Okay, first we see the home page of Linode backend .
As shown above, the header menu we see includes Linodes, which is the VPS product we have; NodeBalancers, load balancing, unless you have needs, there is no need to get it and ask for money. Yes; DNS management can be ignored for normal use; Account, account information, you can see your account, change passwords, modify credit card information, pre-deposit fees, etc.; Support is to submit a work order.
We click Dashboard behind the product in the picture to enter the VPS management panel, as shown below.
I will not take separate screenshots of each menu in the header in the picture above. I will give a rough text description. In fact, SolusVM's children's shoes are used. Although the definitions are different, the functions are similar.
dashboard: This is an overview. We can see the VPS information. The top is the system and SWAP size. The next is the system startup record. The bottom Graphs is the resource usage table. On the right side of the interface, there is the running status of the VPS, network usage, disk status, etc.
remote_access: remote access, similar to the Serial Console function in the SolusVM panel. You don’t need this thing at ordinary times, but it is indispensable at critical moments! If you change the SSH port one day, the firewall is turned on, and you can't log in, just use it, it's quite convenient and powerful (well, maybe I'm too superficial, I only used it when I encountered this problem) …..). At the same time, you can also see your VPS’s IP information, gateway, DNS information, etc. on this page.
Rebuild: Used to reinstall the system. Just like reinstall, all system data will be cleaned up during reinstallation. Use with caution! If you need to reinstall, select the operating system, disk size, SWAP, submit the root account password, and everything will be wiped out!
rescue: Rescue mode, I have never used it. It looks like our Windows PE is started to repair system problems?
resize: Upgrade to a higher package online, select and submit, the money will be deducted from your card, things become bigger...
clone: ​​clone, there must be at least 2 objects, you can clone each other, and follow Like ghost under win, it is very convenient to use. In normal use, it is a function that is rarely used.
graphs: Resource status, this is in the overview, as I said.
Backups: Choose whether to enable it, it is not free ~
Settings: Settings, this is easy to understand, but the following settings are quite interesting, such as you can set disk, IO, CPU, memory usage It will send you an email when it reaches a certain value, which is so considerate.
Extras: Upgrade. This is different from the resize mentioned before. It is not an upgrade to a package. You can purchase memory, disk, monthly traffic and IP separately. You can only buy 1 IP, and you need a good reason.
In summary, that’s it. The functions are quite practical and user-friendly, and the operation is also very simple. I am really stable in building the website. I guess it won’t take much time to log in to the backend, but just take a look.
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