Linode is also a foreign VPS hosting provider that we are all familiar with. It has been two years since they switched from XEN to KVM. However, the merchant does not provide a Windows system by default. Many friends also hope to or have already deployed Windows on it. System, here I also opened a Freemont and tried it through DD method. It is relatively simple. Friends who are in need of this can try it, but the ugly words are ahead. If the merchant blocks the VPS due to this operation I'm not responsible.
The host configuration used in the test of this article is: 1 core + 2GB + 30GB SSD + 2TB, Fremont computer room. Because I will delete it after the test, the IP will not be coded.
First of all, we must have a Linode VPS. The operating system chosen for creation is not very important. This article only requires DD installation through VNC. I personally use Centos6.* easily, so I made Cenots6.8.
Next, enter the VPS management page, set the disk mode, click Edit pointed by the arrow,
The two areas in the figure below are more important, select Full-virtualization for VM Mode, and select Direct Disk for Kernel In addition, pay attention to selecting the correct disk for /dev/sda in the Block Device Assignment below.
Save when finished, then click on the head Rescue, then select rescue mode to restart.
Click restart and switch the header menu to Remote Access. The screenshot here is incomplete. You can click in the Console Access below to enter a common vnc interface similar to ours.
The following is the vnc interface. This is simple. Just enter the command and press Enter to start DD. Command:
wget –O- http://(DD package direct link address) | dd of =/dev/sda
*You can find the DD package on the Internet. If you really can’t find it, click QQ on the right side of the homepage and I will provide some commonly used ones. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles such as infringement, I will not disclose them directly.
After the above download is completed, type reboot to restart, and then after a while you can see the familiar windows system interface through vnc.
After the completion, I tried to be able to work remotely directly. After logging in, I checked that the IP was automatically obtained by DHCP. If readers cannot work remotely, I suggest you go up through vnc to set the IP, and then check whether the remote desktop is turned on.
Introduction to Linode VPS:


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