Legu Yunji is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. Our impression of it seems to be more due to the product it provides - Hong Kong VPS. Many friends asked the good VPS tribe about Hong Kong VPS , which made me turn my attention back to Legu again. Currently, a data center of Legu Yunji uses a VPS with SSD hard drive in Hong Kong. After using the discount code, it is 99 yuan for life (original price 178 yuan/month), which is a great value!
Clouds - degrees Celsius
Compared with traditional hard disks, SSD hard disks have fast startup, small read delay, fast writing speed, low heat and no noise, and the incidence of mechanical failure is almost equal to 0, ensuring everyone to the greatest extent Your data is safe! Next, let’s take a look at the configuration of this 99 yuan SSD Hong Kong VPS.

Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 12GB SSD
Monthly traffic: unlimited (100M shared, 2M peak)
1 IP/SolusVM

[Discount Code]ZRSSDVPS
Go to snap up Hong Kong SSD VPS→
Click on the VPS host on the official homepage—→"Hong Kong VPS Host" on the left—→Hong Kong Linux SSD VPS( high-end).
This VPS uses SSD solid state drive, Hong Kong data center, the domestic access speed is very good, the test IP will not be issued (I will not issue the IP for personal use, sorry).

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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