Legu Yunji is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. Previously, the Good VPS Tribe also introduced the Hong Kong SSD hard drive VPS provided by Legu Yunji (Previous Review) and Fremont He computer room VPS in the United States (Previous review), the latest news is that the OpneVZ architecture product in Hong Kong is online, and it also provides a lifetime 30% off discount code. The lowest model after the discount is only 69 yuan per month.

Let’s share the configuration of a 256MB memory Hong Kong VPS (original price ¥99 yuan/month)

CPU: 2 cores
Independent memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 15GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited 1Mbps (≈316GB)
1 IP/SolusVM

Coupon code: HKVZ30OFFER      Test IP:
Click to go to Yunji official website→
Based on the superior geographical location, Hong Kong VPSDomestic access speed is very fast, but the disadvantage is that the bandwidth is small. The above discount code is applicable to all Hong Kong OpenVZ packages of Legu Yunji . Friends who pursue speed can try it.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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