Legu Yunji is a Chinese VPS host provider. Previously, the Good VPS Tribe also shared the news about the Hong Kong SSD hard drive VPS they provide. Currently, the host provider has added the United States Fremont He The OpenVZ product in the data center is provided with a lifetime discount code of 40% off, with an economical package priced at 43 yuan per month.

The configuration of the American FremontHe economical package provided by Legu Yunji is as follows (original price ¥108 yuan/month).

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
Burst memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 15 GB
Monthly traffic: 5Mbps unlimited (≈1.5TB)
1 IP/SolusVM

Coupon code: 60offer       Test IP:
Click to go to Legu Yunji website→
The domestic access speed of FremontHe data center is good. The ping value of Sichuan Telecom on the good VPS is stable at 210ms. Since the test IP has been provided, I will not post the super ping results. You can try it yourself.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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