The news that Blue Sky Host website provides free hosting comes from a post on the Free Forum. Good VPS also joined in the fun and applied for it. Let me give you a test. This host must be made by Chinese people. My understanding of Chinese IDC makes me question the longevity of this host. However, the space is still good, such as: good speed, very high application efficiency, immediate activation, etc.
The free space provided by Blue Sky Host is divided into 2 specifications. Both types have quota limits, but I just applied and there are still vacancies. The space parameters of these two specifications are as follows:

Free space (normal type)(122 remaining inventory)

Disk Space: 500M
Bandwidth: unlimited
FTP Accounts: 25
Domain: 10
Database: 5
Email Accounts: 25

Instant Set-up

Free space (agent type)

(3 remaining stock)

Disk Space: 10 GB
Bandwidth: unlimited
FTP Accounts: 5000
Domain: 2500
Database: 1000
Email Accounts: 5000

Instant Set-up

How about it? Look at the spatial parameters. Is it powerful enough? I have applied for a 500MB space in Hao VPS, which is quite convenient. I fill out the work form and submit the information, log in to the CP panel immediately, and install DX1.5 immediately. It is basically done in one go! hey-hey. One thing everyone should pay attention to is that the space must be applied for by Dingmi, and free second-level domain names are not provided.
Space registration address:
My demonstration:
Seeing that the domain names of this IDC are all CN, I laughed and said nothing. Maybe you come one day and find that the demo is down, which is quite normal. I also write this kind of space for everyone, mainly for everyone to play with. If you want to run the website for a long time, it is better not to put the data here, it is not very reliable!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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