KVMLA is an earlier Chinese VPS hosting provider, providing VPS products based on XEN and KVM architecture. Data centers include Los Angeles, San Jose, Phoenix, etc. , domestic access speed is good. In June, the host provider launched a special package of Phoenix , including Phoenix IOF and SH computer room, starting from only 49 yuan per month.

Let’s first share information about a preferential Phoenix IOF computer room xen512 package.

CPU: 3 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 25 GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
Click to order link→
In addition to these special products, KVMLA also provides 25% off monthly payment for other regular products ( Discount code: Month25off) and 35% off for annual payment (discount code: Year30off). At the same time, a new foreign trade hosting plan has been added (see the official website for details). Because the special package involves 2 computer rooms in Phoenix and multiple packages, I made a table (Note: IOF means Phoenix IOFLOUD, SH means Phoenix ServerHub, the first two are IOF computer rooms, the latter two are SH computer rooms, both are XEN architecture).

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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