Kuaiyi Internet was opened by Chinese Achuan. It provides American VPS products based on XEN virtual technology. The server is located in mainland China and has top-notch access speeds. WebNX computer room. Globally, Kuaiyi Internet and Achuan himself have very good reputations. When you see this price, you may think it is a bit high, but this is a managed version of XEN, including issues such as VPS environment setup, all of which are solved on your behalf.


Kuaiyi Internet The lowest XVPPSII model currently priced at ¥89/month. The following is the configuration of this VPS:

Memory: 256MB

Hard drive: 30GB

Monthly traffic: 300GB

System host: Linux/Windows


【Purchase link】www.kiiyi.com

[Test IP]

Kuaiyi Internet was established in July 2010, one year ago. The VPS provided all use standard 100M ports and come from CaliforniaLos AngelesWebNX computer room. Using the Xenserver management panel, you can choose to install Linux or Windows at will.


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