Justfree.com comes from the United States and was founded in 1998. It has always provided free PHP space, but it was inaccessible in China in 2009. It is now resurrected, but the previously applied space no longer exists. The space uses LPanel control and management panel, provides 2G storage space, monthly traffic limit is 5G, supports FTP and online file management, can create 3 MySQL databases, supports one-click installation of 20 English versions of programs such as MyBB, wordpress, phpBB2, and provides a justfree A free second-level domain name with the .com suffix. It supports domain name binding, but the domain name needs to be filled in during registration. There is no advertising.
Registration address: http://www.justfree.com/register.jsp
Registration process:
Fill in personal information, such as user name (the default is the second-level domain name after successful registration) prefix), password, email, verification code, etc. Among them, if you choose google, fill in google below. Receive email after submission.
You will receive an activation letter in your email. Click the activation link and continue to fill in the information. Extra domain is the domain name to be bound. If you want to use only the second-level domain name, you can leave it blank.
Create a database:
After logging in, click "Create/delete MySQL database"
1. Create Database to create a database name
2. Create User to create a database user
3. Assign Privileges takes ownership of the database user Grant user
to bind the domain name:
can modify the DNS to ns1.justfree.com and ns2.justfree.com during resolution, or CNAME it to the second-level domain name, or A record to the IP of the second-level domain name .
The space does not support background online decompression. The VPS failed to upload the ZIP file twice. I have not tested whether it can be used with NET2FTP. It is very frustrating not to be able to decompress online. You can also give it a try.
Demo address: http://zhaorong65.justfree.com

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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