joe’s DC is the abbreviation of joe’s datacenter, which is an American hosting provider that provides VPS and independent servers in Kansas City. The lowest OpenVZ product provided by joe’s DC is only 6 US dollars per month; and the lowest configuration server is only 35 US dollars. The price of the machine in Kansas is really relatively cheap.
Let’s take a look at the configuration of this VPS.
Memory: 512MB
Burst memory: 1GB
Hard drive: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 700GB
1 IP/MRTG Network Graphs
[Purchase link]https://support.joesdatacenter.com/order/?form_id=162
The configuration of this VPS is closer to the VIRPUS I often talk about, and the price It's a little higher, but I don't know if it's directly proportional to the performance. In addition, the independent server price provided by the host provider is very impressive. Friends who like it can take a look and ask the host provider for relevant test information.