As you can see, the VPSs often mentioned by good VPS tribes are all equipped with LNMP environment, one-click package, etc. Many novice friends talk about the code being discolored, and it is very depressing to have to enter commands to operate everything. , so today I share a panel based on the LNMP environment: Froxlor. Froxlor is a web control panel developed by Germans that supports nginx, apache, and lighttpd. The most important thing is that it has Chinese language support, which is very convenient for everyone to explore. Let's take a look below. See how to install Froxlor.
Before installing Froxlor, please ensure that your VPS has compiled the LNMP environment (or apache, lighttpd, etc.). Here I still take Brother Jun’s LNMP one-click package environment as an example. At the same time, I installed Froxlor in the IP/Froxlor directory. You can actually adjust this location yourself. Next, we first download the source code. The official website download page:
Let’s operate with commands. Here is the official version 0.9.27 as an example. First log in to our VPS via SSH. and reach the wwwroot directory.

cd /home/wwwroot
wget –c
tar zxvf froxlor-0.9.27.tar.gz

OK, we have decompressed the source code to the wwwroot directory. Next, enter http://IP/froxlor in the browser to execute the installation.
Click Start install as shown above to start the installation. Next is the detection environment, PHP version, database, etc.
Then, fill in some necessary parameters for installation, such as database password, administrator account and password, etc.
After passing, you will see the welcome page. You can click Go To login below to reach the login page.
The following is the login interface. Note that the language is Chinese, and the background is directly in Chinese.
Another background screenshot.
In general, this Froxlor installation is the same as our commonly used website installation process, very simple. The backend can perform operations such as adding domain names, FTP, users, etc. Because Good VPS has just been tested, I will consider whether to publish a simple article to discuss with you based on the subsequent situation in terms of backend usage.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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