At present, there are many websites that provide CDN acceleration, but there are not many free ones. There are only a few domestic ones that are free without registration. For example, as we know, Webluker, Shanda Digital Distribution, etc. all provide CDN accelerates and also gives away a certain amount of free traffic. It is definitely enough to accelerate a small website. However, the ruthless registration blocked our surging enthusiasm... Today, I will introduce to you a domestic CDN , he has not required registration for the time being (please note that it is temporary, and registration will definitely be required for CDN in the future)
Speeded up
Accelerate music The website layout, including the internal pages, is very similar to the cloudflare introduced by Good VPS, except that the interface is all in Chinese. First, we need to register an account.
Registration address:
Note that registration currently requires an invitation code. The website provides several ways to obtain an invitation code. The most direct way is to directly contact QQ Online Request from customer service~
Accelerator is also very simple to use. Just add a domain name directly, and then intelligently detect the current resolution status of your domain name. Finally, a set of NS will be provided to you. You can go to your domain name management Just change the default NS server of the website to the one provided by acelerator . A few minutes later, you ping your domain name again and find that the resolved IP is not your real IP. That's success!
Below, I’ll put the ping value of a certain domain name I tested. It’s simply amazing! (However, the actual opening speed is not that big)
Speeded up - flat
You must know that this domain name is resolved in a European space, and the direct ping value exceeds 450ms. Alas, it is a pity that after consulting the online customer service, it will not be registered in the future. The domain name will be the same as DNSPod, which can only use smart DNS and cannot use CDN.
Friends who like to try new things should give it a try!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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