VPSZZI introduced it in my blog, and the reputation of Niao Ge’s VPS is also obvious to all. The VPS data center provided by VPSZZ is located in Phoenix. The domestic access speed is very fast. I believe everyone who has experienced the 1 cent 8 IP before knows this. I just saw the news that VPSZZ VZ256 ( purchase link ) priced at only ¥32.5 yuan/month is available in small quantities. Friends who need it, hurry up, Niao Ge’s 128MB and 256MB Memory OVZ is available for fast hands but not for slow hands!
The configuration of this VZ256 includes 256MB guaranteed memory, 512MB burst memory, 20GB hard drive and 350GB monthly traffic. It provides an independent IP address. The data center is located in the Phoenix computer room, a hen G port server.
[Onlooker address]Direct access to VPSZZ official website
The following is the ping value of the Phoenix computer room test IP provided by Brother Niao in various places for your reference.
Another point is that both VPSZZ.net and VPSZZ.org belong to Brother Niao. Before this, Lao Zhao thought org was Li Gui. . .

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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