Tencent officially launched the Tencent Weibo system based on the open API on the 10th. This is the official introduction: iWeibo system is a free Weibo system developed based on the Tencent Weibo open platform API. The majority of developers Webmasters and webmasters can download the installation files and deploy them to their own servers to provide Weibo services for the website. They can also develop richer functions based on this system.
Introduction and download page: http://open.t.qq.com/apps/iweibo/
Demo address: http://t.zrblog.net/
iWeibo installation steps:
1. First download the iWeibo system installation package;
2. Unzip the installation package and upload the file to the server;
(Note: Please install the iWeibo system in the root directory of the website domain name you are using)
3. Set directory attributes
The following files and directories require the operator to have read and write permissions
/admin/ data/
4. Enter your URL in the browser, such as: http://website domain name/, enter iWeibo Installation interface.
5. Read the installation agreement carefully. If there is no problem with the installation agreement, select the check box before "I have read and accept the above agreement", click "Start Installation", and follow the installation wizard to gradually complete the iWeibo system installation.
Of course, during the installation process, you will first be prompted to create an application and obtain the App Key and App Secret. Just follow the steps and fill in some necessary information step by step!

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