ImpactVPS is a foreign hosting provider registered in May 2013. It provides products based on the OpenVZ architecture. The data center is in Seattle. ImpactVPS provides a product that is different from our common VPS products. They call it VDR (Virtual Dedicated Resources). Well, I think it may be VPS distribution, right?


Currently, the host provider provides a special discount code, and the lowest VDR 4G package is only $7 after the discount (Original price $12/month).

CPU: 4 cores

Memory: 4GB

Hard drive: 35G SSD

Monthly traffic: 2000GB/10Gbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/panel: 5/?

Discount code: LAUNCH  Test IP:

【Purchase link】

There is no explanation about the panel used by the host provider. If you have purchased one, please let us know. This VDR should be VPS distribution. It can be split into independent VPS. It is quite flexible and the price is quite cheap. ImpactVPSThe host uses dual E5v3 CPU, 128GB memory and 4 1TB SSD hard drives. The host provider’s refund period is 3 days. For other information, please refer to the terms of service page.


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