IdcBuster.COM is a VPS hosting provider in 2007 and was acquired by HardBirch.COM. As its cheap unmanaged brand, it provides low-priced OpenVZ and KVM architecture products. Halloween is an important holiday in the United States. Many American products will have significant discounts, and VPS hosting providers opened by Chinese in the United States are no exception.

Currently, the host provider provides a lifetime 35% off discount code for Halloween, which is applicable to its XEN architecture products. After the discount, a KVM512 package is only 39 yuan per month ( Original price 60 yuan/month).

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 300GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Discount code: HW2012   Test IP:
Click to go to the hosting provider’s official website→
The above KVM architecture product data center is in the Los Angeles webnx computer room, supporting windows or linux system, the hosting provider specifically stated that if you don’t need Windows and only need a Linux system, you can submit a work order to upgrade to double the memory for free (that is, upgrade from 512MB to 1G, suitable for all packages). It seems that Windows is really a hassle. .

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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