HostYun (Host Cloud - original name Host Share, original domain name, is well known for providing low-end and cheap VPS products. It has been operating stably for more than 12 years. Many senior members of the Hostloc forum are responsible for technology and operations. , the VPS hosts currently provided are based on XEN or KVM architecture, and the data centers include multiple regional computer rooms in Japan, Hong Kong and the United States. Currently, the merchant has released a 12% off discount code for the whole site. Use the discount code to purchase San Jose CN2 GIA line KVM host starting at 10.5 yuan per month. This should be the cheapest CN2 GIA nowLine host now.

The following lists the configuration information of several different series of KVM hosts.

American TwpCN2 GIA-Activity Series

  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 5G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 200GB/20Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 10.56 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 5G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 300GB/30Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 13.2 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 600GB/30Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 14.96 yuan/monthPurchase link

American two-way CN2 GIA-no RAID series

  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 500GB/60Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 14.96 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 1TB/60Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 22.88 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 2TB/70Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 31.68 yuan/monthPurchase link

American two-way CN2 GIA-RAID10 series

  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 500GB/100Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 21.12 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 1TB/100Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 29.92 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 15G SSD
  • Bandwidth: 1.5TB/150Mbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Xensystem
  • Price: 34.32 yuan/monthPurchase link
   Discount code: Hostyun61   Test IP:

The above hosts are directly in the member center, just purchase the cloud host-KVM architecture. Please pay attention to choose different series according to your own needs. In terms of telecommunications lines, it is a two-way CN2 GIA, China Unicom is directly connected, the broadcast IP is not native, and they are all SSD hard drives with restrictions. IO, the merchant has developed a self-service IP replacement function, which can be operated directly on the VPS management page. Of course, in addition to the San Jose KVM listed above, discount codes are also applicable to merchant XEN architecture hosts, with optional computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States.


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