Recently, more and more foreign IDCs are using softlayer in Hong Kong. For example, HostUS has just been listed on the machines here, and the price is similar to American products. HostUS is a foreign VPS service provider established in 2012. It provides VPS products based on the OpenVZ architecture. The data center includes Los Angeles, USA. Atlanta and Dallas, etc., of course now also include Hong Kong VPS.

There are currently two annual payment discount packages available online, the 512M model has an annual payment of $25, and the 768M model has an annual payment of $35.

HK 512MB Special

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 10GB SSD

Monthly traffic: 750GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1/CustomPanel

Test IP:

Click to order link →

HK 768MB Special

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 768MB

Hard drive: 20GB SSD

Monthly traffic: 2000GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1/CustomPanel

Test IP:

Click to order link →

The bandwidth of softlayer Hong Kong is relatively sufficient. HostUS is also an American VPS hosting provider that has been established for a long time. It also acquired Reversehosts before. However, I must remind everyone that the low price in Hong Kong means a lot of struggling neighbors. For example, I bought one cheaply in the afternoon. It is estimated that due to the large number of people struggling on Hen, the ping is ugly and there are more packet losses. I hope it will stabilize after the storm is over (I tried pinging at 21 o'clock in the evening and it was normal, which is good).


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