Hostodo is a foreign VPS service provider established at the end of 2014. It provides VPS hosts based on the OpenVZ architecture. The data center includes the United StatesLos Angeles, Dallas and Miami are all QN machines. Hostodo takes the low-price route, with a large number of cheap annual payment packages. It has been posting and promoting in WHT, LET and other forums for a long time. For example, I searched for the 12-dollar annual payment package released now. Next, compared to May and June last year, the price remained unchanged, but the hard drive shrank.

Let’s take this $12 annual payment package as an example and take a look at the latest configuration information.

CPU: 4 cores

Memory: 512MB

vSAWP: 512MB

Hard drive: 55GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 2TB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1/Virtualizor

Coupon code: LETYRLYSPECIAL512M  

Test IP: Angeles)

【Purchase link】

HostodoIt is said that it is run by the boss of the original ReverseHosts. His whole body suddenly became bad. However, some people say that he is very good. Therefore, any product, especially a cheap one, There will always be polarizing comments. Since the inappropriate remarks of 123systems caused a series of problems, I try not to include personal preferences in my blog articles and only focus on the price factor. By the way, you can also use discounts on other packages of this company. For example, 1G annual payment is $18 after discount, and the discount code is LowEnd1G.


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