I think most of my friends who purchased 3 years of free unlimited hosting on hostable.com received an email from the space provider today. In many forums, netizens have different understandings of the email. In order to clear up everyone’s doubts , specially translated the email for everyone. Below is a screenshot of the original text:
Please understand – you are still getting 3 YEARS of free hosting!  The only change we made was that you will now renew for 3 months instead of 3 years!
Please understand that you still have 3 years of free hosting rights. The only change we have made is that you need to renew your space every three months instead of three years.
ONLY the renewal changed.  We did not change the initial 3 year free time period.
We did not change the three-year trial period, just the renewal period.
Many of you did not like that the account would renew for another 3 years after your first 3 years for free.  So we changed that to 3 months.  Now the renewal is $20.97 USD instead of $250 USD.
Most users are unwilling to renew after enjoying the three-year free period (here is the meaning of renewal), so we changed the renewal period after three years to three months, that is, every three $20.97 per month instead of $250 per year.
I apologize for any confusion this caused.
I apologize for the inconsistency caused
In addition, we log in to the user center of the website, You can see that the next payment has been changed from more than 250 knives to 20.97 knives. Therefore, this email does not tell us that he has changed our free period from 3 years to 3 months.
However, a good VPS cannot guarantee that the three years will be free and safe. Sometimes, the power of the Chinese people cannot be ignored. There are already many stores on Taobao purchasing this space, and many friends have also registered in large numbers to hoard it. In fact, I really want to advise these people: It’s too much trouble, and it won’t be of much benefit to you, me, or anyone else. Stop it!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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