In fact, I have read GAE in many places, and I have always wanted to play it, but when I saw that everyone said it was very troublesome, and the good VPS is a farmer, has little education, and is quite afraid of trouble, I have never tried it. Come on, I have free time tonight, so I specially applied to give it a try. I didn’t expect that it is not difficult to apply. Now I will share the process with everyone.
First of all, without further ado, what is GAE?
From a practical point of view, GAE can provide us with a stable free website space. The supported languages ​​​​of the space are python and java. The database is Google's proprietary database. The database and space can be used for free up to 500MB. Provides Google's bandwidth. This bandwidth can support approximately 5 million access requests per month. If it exceeds 5 million access requests, it will be purchased... This free resource is enough for general websites. In addition, GAE also supports domain name binding, which is equivalent to personal use. It’s the same as the virtual space you bought.  
Even if we don’t know GAE at the moment and don’t know python or java, we can easily use the GAE space and build our own website using GAE-based programs compiled by others. Let’s talk about the application steps:
1. Apply for Google mailbox, such as [email protected] If you already have gmail, skip this step , gmail application address Click the "Create an account" button in the lower right corner of the page to apply!
2. Open the Google App Engine homepage and enter your email on the right side of the page. For example, your email is [email<x2 >protected], just enter abcdef, enter the password and click the "sign in" button to log in. After logging in, the following picture will appear. Click the "Create an Application" button.

3. Then see the picture below. A verification code is required to apply for GAE , GAE will send a verification code to your mobile phone. Remember to add "+86" in front of your mobile phone number (I would like to remind you that according to feedback from netizens, it seems that it is difficult to receive the verification code with a mobile phone number, so try your best to Use China Unicom, I just used China Unicom number to receive it!)

4. Enter the verification code and click "send" in the picture above to receive the verification in less than a minute. Coded

5. After entering the correct verification code in the red circle in the above picture, you will see the following picture:

This is to choose a second-level domain name for yourself. For example, in this example I fill in with at least 6 characters. After filling in, click the Check button at the back to see if it can be used. If it prompts that it cannot be used, Just replace it with a new one and try it until it prompts Yes...
6. After filling in, remember to check I accept to indicate that you agree to their terms, and click the Save button to create. If successful, a page prompt as shown below will appear.

7. Click the red circle link in the above picture to see the GAE management page below, as shown below

This page is the access statistics of the application you just created. If you have not uploaded your application yet, you can see the No version deployed prompt. At this point you have successfully applied for a GAE application (it can also be called space). Each user can apply for 10 such applications, that is, one mobile phone number can get 10 free GAE spaces. As for these 10 spaces, are they 500MB each, or this much in total? I just played, so I don’t know clearly.
Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet and are not intercepted from this article. We hereby declare!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

Tags: GAE, Apply for GAE

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