I saw a piece of news that the State Council’s decision on the fifth batch of cancellation and decentralization of administrative approval projects at the management level actually included the content of BBS special approval. I posted it here. The original address: http://www.gov. cn/zwgk/2010-07/09/content_1650088.htmThe following is the quoted content.

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all agencies directly under the State Council:
  Since 2009, in accordance with the unified deployment of the State Council and the requirements for the reform of the administrative approval system, the inter-ministerial reform of the administrative approval system has been jointly carried out In accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Licensing Law and other laws and regulations, the meeting organized a new round of centralized review of the administrative approval projects of the State Council departments. After strict review and demonstration, the State Council decided to cancel and decentralize 184 administrative approval projects at the management level in the fifth batch. Among them, 113 administrative approval projects were cancelled, and 71 administrative approval projects were decentralized to management levels.
  All regions and departments must conscientiously implement and connect the cancellation and decentralization of administrative approval projects to management levels, and effectively strengthen follow-up supervision. In accordance with the requirements of deepening the reform of the administrative management system and transforming government functions, we must continue to deepen the reform of the administrative approval system, further reduce administrative approval items, standardize the approval process, innovate approval methods, improve the administrative approval restriction and supervision mechanism, and strengthen supervision of the operation of administrative approval power. .
Attachment: 1. Catalog of administrative approval projects that the State Council decided to cancel (113 items)
     2. Catalog of administrative approval projects that the State Council decided to decentralize to management levels ( 71 items)
              <x3 >                State Council
                <x3 >            July 4, 2010

Attachment 1: (Please pay attention to Article 7)
Catalogue of administrative approval projects decided to cancel by the State Council (113 items)

department serial number project name Setting basis
National Development and Reform Commission 1 Approval of electric power construction fund investment projects "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
2 Duty-free approval for imported equipment for domestically funded projects with a total investment of more than 50 million yuan and central enterprises encouraged by the state "Notice of the State Council on Adjusting Tax Policies for Imported Equipment" (Guofa [1997] No. 37)
Ministry of Science and Technology 3 National University Science and Technology Park meets tax exemption conditions reviewed and confirmed "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Tax Policy Issues Concerning National University Science and Technology Parks" (Finance and Taxation [2007] No. 120)
4 Technology business incubator meets tax exemption conditions reviewed and confirmed "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Tax Policy Issues Concerning Technology Business Incubators" (Finance and Taxation [2007] No. 121)
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 5 International bidding review for procurement of communication system equipment (automatic import licensed products) "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
6 Approval for withdrawing from telecommunications business market "Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China" (State Council Order No. 291)
7 Special approval (filing) for Internet electronic announcement services "Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services" (State Council Order No. 292)
State Ethnic Affairs Commission 8 Approval of qualifications for setting up master's degree awarding points in universities affiliated to the National Ethnic Affairs Commission "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
9 Approval of qualifications for establishing doctoral degree awarding points in universities affiliated to the National Ethnic Affairs Commission "Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Interim Provisions on Higher Education Management Responsibilities" (Guofa [1986] No. 32)
10 Review of annual enrollment plans for colleges and universities affiliated to the National Ethnic Affairs Commission and annual enrollment plans for adult higher education "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
11 The High School Affiliated to Minzu University of China is reviewing and approving the national enrollment plan "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
12 Hebei Dachang Senior Experimental Middle School Approval of Enrollment Plan for Western Ethnic Areas "Letter from the General Office of the Ministry of Education on approving the participation and admission of students from the Western Ethnic Class of the Senior Experimental Middle School in Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Hebei Province to participate in the college entrance examination and admission in Hebei Province" (Educational Affairs Department Letter [2007] No. 1)
13 National Minority Traditional Sports Games Competition Project Approval "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
14 Approval of programs for ethnic minorities to create and improve scripts "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
Ministry of Public Security 15 Issuance of purchase permit for highly toxic chemicals "Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals" (State Council Order No. 344)
16 Design review and project acceptance of safety precaution facilities of post offices (stations) "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
17 Delay in scrapping approval of motor vehicles "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
18 Approval for setting up temporary parking lot "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
Ministry of Civil Affairs 19 Approval for using foreign capital to build funeral and interment facilities "Regulations on Funeral Management" (State Council Order No. 225)
20 Approval of establishing social welfare institutions through joint ventures and cooperation with overseas countries "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security twenty one Special COS (card operating system) approval for social security cards "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
twenty two Approval for establishment of labor and employment service enterprises "Regulations on the Administration of Labor and Employment Service Enterprises" (State Council Order No. 66)
Ministry of Land and Resources twenty three Approval of mortgage of state-owned land use rights "Interim Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Assignment and Transfer of Urban State-owned Land Use Rights" (State Council Order No. 55)
Ministry of Environmental Protection twenty four Environmental impact assessment engineer professional qualification registration "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development 25 Scenic area construction project site selection approval "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
26 Approval of avoidance and protection measures for construction projects affecting ancient and valuable trees "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
Ministry of Railways 27 Technical certification of new products for railway special measuring instruments "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
Ministry of Water Resources 28 Berm and bank forest felling permit "Flood Control Law of the People's Republic of China" (Order of the President of the People's Republic of China [1997] No. 88)
Ministry of Agriculture 29 Approval for farmers to breed and plant genetically modified animals and plants "Regulations on the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms" (State Council Order No. 304)
30 Approved by ministerial quality inspection agency "Regulations on the Implementation of the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China" (State Council Order No. 53)
Ministry of Commerce 31 Approval for establishment of domestic branches by foreign-invested enterprises without special provisions "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (State Council Order No. 311)
"Reply of the State Council on the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (Guohan [1995] No. 76)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Joint Ventures" (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Order No. 6, 1995)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Invested Enterprises" (Order No. 301 of the State Council)
32 Approval of equipment list imported as investment by foreign-invested enterprises "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures" (State Council Order No. 311)
"Detailed Implementation Rules of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Invested Enterprises" (State Council Order No. 301)
33 Approval of name change of foreign-invested enterprises "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (State Council Order No. 311)
"Reply of the State Council on the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (Guohan [1995] No. 76)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Joint Ventures" (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Order No. 6, 1995)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Invested Enterprises" (Order No. 301 of the State Council)
34 Approval of name change of investors of foreign-invested enterprises "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (State Council Order No. 311)
"Reply of the State Council on the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (Guohan [1995] No. 76)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Joint Ventures" (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Order No. 6, 1995)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Invested Enterprises" (Order No. 301 of the State Council)
35 Approval of change of legal address of foreign-invested enterprises "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (State Council Order No. 311)
"Reply of the State Council on the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures" (Guohan [1995] No. 76)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Joint Ventures" (Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Order No. 6, 1995)
"Detailed Implementation Rules for the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Invested Enterprises" (Order No. 301 of the State Council)
Ministry of Culture 36 Approval for Hong Kong and Macau performance agencies to establish branches in the Mainland "Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Performances" (State Council Order No. 528)
ministry of health 37 Approval for establishment of bone marrow transplant hospital "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
National Population and Family Planning Commission 38 Review of advertising involving family planning technologies "Regulations on the Administration of Technical Services for Family Planning" (State Council Order No. 428)
General Administration of Customs 39 Approval of convenient customs clearance measures for high-tech enterprises "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
40 Approval of bonded factory qualifications for customs personnel to be stationed at the factory for supervision "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
41 Factory approval for manufacturing, modifying and repairing containers and container truck bodies "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
State Administration of Taxation 42 Approval of pre-tax deductions for management fees related to production and operation paid by taxpayers to the head office in accordance with regulations "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
43 Foreign-invested enterprises that are dissolved early due to force majeure during the preferential period are exempt from tax repayment approval "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
State Administration for Industry and Commerce 44 Trade fair registration "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
45 Tobacco advertising-free city certification "Notice of the Ministry of Health and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Issuing the Implementation Measures for the Certification of National Tobacco Advertising-Free Cities" (Wei Ji Fu Fa [2003] No. 45)
Administration of Quality Supervision 46 Hygiene registration of import and export cosmetics production and processing units "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
47 Approval of transit transfer of agricultural genetically modified organisms "Regulations on the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms" (State Council Order No. 304)
48 Issuance of building exterior window production license "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Industrial Product Production Licenses" (State Council Order No. 440)
49 Issuance of production license for industrial flavors and fragrances "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Industrial Product Production Licenses" (State Council Order No. 440)
50 Motor vehicle installation permit on site (factory) "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
State Administration of Radio, Film and Television 51 Domestic TV drama theme planning project review "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
General Administration of Press and Publication 52 Approval of name change of audio and video product rental units "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
53 Approval of change of business scope for rental units of audio and video products "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
54 Examination and approval of merger of rental units of audio and video products "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
55 Merger approval of rental units of audio and video products "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
56 Separate review and approval for rental units of audio and video products "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
57 Approval for rental business of audio and video products "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
58 Approval for the establishment of national audiovisual product chain business units "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
59 Approval for duplication of audio-visual products not for sale "Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products" (State Council Order No. 341)
General Administration of Sports 60 Approval for opening a martial arts school "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
61 Approval for opening a children's sports school "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
State Forestry Administration 62 Conducting ecotourism plan review and approval in the experimental area of ​​the national nature reserve of the forestry system "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nature Reserves" (State Council Order No. 167)
63 Carry out review and approval of ecotourism plans in the experimental area of ​​local nature reserves in the forestry system "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Nature Reserves" (State Council Order No. 167)
64 Scientific research and teaching units conduct field inspections and scientific research approval on national first-level protected terrestrial wild animals "Reply of the State Council on the Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Guohan [1992] No. 13)
"Notice of the Ministry of Forestry on the Issuance of the "Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Lin Ce Tong Zi [1992] No. 29)
65 Scientific research and teaching units conduct field inspections and scientific research approval on terrestrial wild animals under national second-level protection "Reply of the State Council on the Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Guohan [1992] No. 13)
"Notice of the Ministry of Forestry on the Issuance of the "Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Lin Ce Tong Zi [1992] No. 29)
66 Approval of annual operating and utilization quotas for non-nationally protected terrestrial wild animals or their products "Reply of the State Council on the Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Guohan [1992] No. 13)
"Notice of the Ministry of Forestry on the Issuance of the "Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Lin Ce Tong Zi [1992] No. 29)
67 Issuance of forest harvesting and renewal acceptance certificate "Regulations on the Implementation of the Forest Law of the People's Republic of China" (State Council Order No. 278)
"Reply of the State Council on the "Measures for the Management of Forest Harvesting and Renewal" (Guohan [1987] No. 151)
"The Ministry of Forestry's Release of Notice on the Management Measures for Forest Harvesting and Renewal (Lin Gong Zi [1987] No. 338)
68 Forestry industry standard project annual plan approval "Forestry Standardization Management Measures" (State Forestry Administration Order No. 9)
69 Approval of terrestrial wildlife resource census plan "Reply of the State Council on the Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Guohan [1992] No. 13)
"Notice of the Ministry of Forestry on the Issuance of the "Implementation Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Terrestrial Wildlife" (Lin Ce Tong Zi [1992] No. 29)
70 Approval for establishing bird banding stations "Notice of the State Forestry Administration on Issuing the "Management Measures for Bird Banding (Trial)" and "Technical Regulations for Bird Banding (Trial)" (Lin Hufa [2002] No. 33)
State Intellectual Property Office 71 Issuance of Patent Agent Practice Certificate "Patent Agency Regulations" (State Council Order No. 76)
"Patent Agency Management Measures" (State Intellectual Property Office Order No. 30)
72 Approval of change of patent agent’s practicing certificate "Patent Agency Regulations" (State Council Order No. 76)
"Patent Agency Management Measures" (State Intellectual Property Office Order No. 30)
73 Patent Agent Practice Certificate Cancellation Approval "Patent Agency Regulations" (State Council Order No. 76)
"Patent Agency Management Measures" (State Intellectual Property Office Order No. 30)
National Tourism Bureau 74 Approval for foreign travel agencies to establish permanent offices in China "Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Interim Provisions of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Permanent Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises" (Guofa [1980] No. 272)
State Administration of Religious Affairs 75 Approval for setting up commercial service outlets in religious activity venues "Regulations on Religious Affairs" (State Council Order No. 426)
76 Approval for holding displays and exhibitions in religious venues "Regulations on Religious Affairs" (State Council Order No. 426)
77 Approval for filming movies and TV shows in religious venues "Regulations on Religious Affairs" (State Council Order No. 426)
China Meteorological Administration 78 Approval for transfer of operation equipment between weather modification operation units "Regulations on the Management of Artificial Weather Modification" (State Council Order No. 348)
Banking Regulatory Commission 79 Approval for the establishment of representative offices of overseas non-bank financial institutions in China "Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" (Order of the President of the People's Republic of China [2006] No. 58)
80 Approval of changes to the representative offices of overseas non-bank financial institutions in China "Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" (Order of the President of the People's Republic of China [2006] No. 58)
81 Representative offices of overseas non-bank financial institutions in China terminate approval "Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" (Order of the President of the People's Republic of China [2006] No. 58)
82 Approval of qualifications for chief representative of overseas non-bank financial institutions’ representative offices in China "Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" (Order of the President of the People's Republic of China [2006] No. 58)
Securities Regulatory Commission 83 Securities company securities business qualification approval "Securities Law of the People's Republic of China" (Order of the President of the People's Republic of China [2005] No. 43)
84 Approval of change of address of representative offices of foreign securities institutions in China "Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Interim Provisions of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Permanent Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises" (Guofa [1980] No. 272)
China Insurance Regulatory Commission 85 Approval of changes in major matters of insurance agencies "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
86 Approval of changes in major matters of insurance adjustment agencies "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
87 Approval of changes in major matters of insurance brokerage companies "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
88 Insurance companies set local insurance rate approval "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
89 Approval of major changes to insurance company branches "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
Electricity Regulatory Commission 90 Issuance of electricity supply and consumption supervision qualification certificate "Regulations on Electric Power Supply and Use" (State Council Order No. 196)
"Decision of the State Council on the Third Batch of Cancellation and Adjustment of Administrative Approval Projects" (Guofa [2004] No. 16)
National Archives and Records Administration 91 Filing of agreements signed between government departments or units and foreign groups and organizations that include the use of archives "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
92 Approval of establishment of archives by the central professional competent department "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
State Grain Administration 93 Certification of qualifications for purchasing aged grains "Grain Circulation Management Regulations" (State Council Order No. 407)
94 Aged grain sales plan approval "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense 95 Military electronic product export project approval "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
96 Military electronic equipment research and production license "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
State Tobacco Administration 97 Issuance of tobacco special machinery overhaul license "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
98 Approval of diversified business investment projects of tobacco system enterprises "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
State Oceanic Administration 99 Approval of marine engineering pollutant discharge categories "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environment from Marine Engineering Construction Projects" (State Council Order No. 475)
100 Verification of marine engineering pollutant discharge quantities "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environment from Marine Engineering Construction Projects" (State Council Order No. 475)
Civil Aviation Administration of China 101 Civil airport special equipment use license "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
State Post Bureau 102 Approval of the establishment of postal enterprises and their branches "Implementing Rules for the Postal Law of the People's Republic of China" (State Council Order No. 65)
State Administration of Cultural Heritage 103 Approval for photographing vulnerable general cultural relics "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
104 Approval of ancient stone carvings whose rubbing content involves my country’s territory, diplomacy, and ethnic relations "Decision of the State Council on Cancellation and Adjustment of the Third Batch of Administrative Approval Projects" (Guofa [2004] No. 16)
State Food and Drug Administration 105 Drug Tendering Agency Qualification Certification "Notice of the General Office of the State Council forwarding the Guiding Opinions on the Reform of the Urban Medical and Health System from the State Council Office of Restructuring and Restructuring and other departments" (Guobanfa [2000] No. 16)
State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine 106 Approval of medical institutions carrying out medical Qigong activities and qualification identification of personnel engaged in medical Qigong "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
State Administration of Foreign Exchange 107 The export unit’s export exchange receipt balance is written off and written off for review and approval. "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
108 Approval of enterprise leasing period less than one year, leasing trade, leasing (taxation according to regulations) purchase and payment of foreign exchange "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
109 Classified verification and write-off of foreign exchange collection by export units "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
110 Approval arrangements for the entry into the market of large-amount foreign exchange settlement and sales transactions by financial institutions "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
111 Approval of the export unit's reissue of the special form for verification and write-off of foreign exchange collection from exports and the special form for verification and write-off of export foreign exchange collection and tax refund "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)
112 Export unit's forward export foreign exchange collection record "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Retaining Some Non-Administrative Licensing Approval Items" (Guobanfa [2004] No. 62)
113 Review of management policies for non-trade foreign exchange sales and payments of multinational companies applicable to foreign-invested enterprises or Chinese-funded enterprises "Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative Licensing for Administrative Approval Items that Really Need to Be Retained" (State Council Order No. 412)

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