Foreign host control panels roughly include: LP, CP, DA, VP, HSPHERE, Plesk, Lxadmin...
The full name of LP is LayeredPanel. Because the host service provider that uses this panel has more restrictions on the host, so everyone generally does not use it. Willing to use.
The full name of CP is CPanel, which is one of the most popular host panels at present. It has a friendly interface, high openness and powerful functions.
The full name of DA is DirectAdmin, which is also a very popular host panel. Compared with CPanel, the authorization is cheaper, has a lifetime license, is also very flexible, and is highly rated abroad.
The full name of VP is VistaPanel. Although it is Vista, it has nothing to do with Microsoft. It is just that the interface style is somewhat similar. It is also a good panel. There are many space panels modified by VP.
Hsphere is commonly known as the H sphere panel. The H sphere space we often refer to is named after the use of this panel. The licensing price is extremely high and it is the most powerful virtual host management panel.
Plesk panel is rare and has a gorgeous interface, but it takes up a lot of resources and some paid spaces abroad use it.
Lxadmin panel, a free host management panel, the interface is also very gorgeous, some foreign VPS will give it away for free.
Registration panel: Generally speaking, WHM registration does not refer to the WHM control panel for you. It refers to a registration system when you apply for space. The full name of WHM registration is WHMCS virtual host management system. It is a host financial program commonly used in foreign paid spaces. It can provide users with convenient registration and automatically manage and calculate the cost and expenditure of the server and user status for the server administrator. In addition, this program also There is an anti-fraud module, which is very powerful. This kind of space has enabled the anti-fraud module, even if you have successfully registered. No matter how you register, you cannot register for a second time unless you use a high-density agent.
Another registration system is iPanel, which is also a host management software, but not as powerful as WHM. However, its biggest advantage is that it can be connected to the databases of some mainstream foreign forum programs. That is to say, sometimes when you apply for a foreign space, you are required to post on the forum. You use iPanel because it can automatically detect the monthly posting volume bound to your forum name. However, the licensing price of this registration system is not as high as WHM.
Resller permissions and WHM control panel: Resller permissions refer to dealer permissions, which are one level lower than the administrator of the server. They can open a control panel for others with CP space. WHM control panel refers to people with Resller permissions. The control panel is one level higher than the CP panel. To put it bluntly, the CP control panel is the WHM control panel.
There is also a kind of web page registration. Unlike the above two, which require jumping to several pages, it is relatively simple and will not be introduced. Generally, this kind of background panel is LP.

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