I received an email from Alex. As part of the destocking plan, GreenValueHost has released a large number of new low-price packages again, including some low-price products with large hard drives, large traffic, and multiple IPs, involving Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle and the Netherlands and other computer rooms, the lowest annual payment is only 12 US dollars, while the monthly payment for a 6GB memory 350GB disk package in Los Angeles is only 7 US dollars. .

I will share two representative packages with you. The first is a Los Angeles computer room package with large memory, large hard drive, large traffic, and supports monthly payment. The monthly payment is US$7 and the quarterly payment is US$18.

CPU: 5 cores

Memory: 6144MB

vSWAP: 6144MB

Hard drive: 350GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 25TB

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 3/SolusVM

【Purchase link】https://secure.greenvaluehost.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=262

The above one is only available in the Los Angeles computer room. The following is a package with an annual payment of US$12, with three nodes available: Seattle, Chicago and New York.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 1024MB

vSWAP: 1024MB

Hard drive: 20GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 10TB

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 3/SolusVM

【Purchase link】https://secure.greenvaluehost.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=265

GreenValueHost is a foreign VPS service provider established in 2012. To be honest, these package configurations and prices are a bit crazy. I feel that everyone selling VPS this year is crazy. Readers should be more sensible and buy according to their needs. However, most of GreenValueHost’s packages support monthly payment, which is slightly less stressful.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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