When everyone buys the domain name GD, in addition to being cheap, using discount codes, and fast in parsing, many of them buy a 10G space as a gift. But today, the photo album I am talking about here, Instead of using this space as a picture bed, GD gave us another photo album—Photo Album.
Let’s first take a look at how to open this photo album. First, open the GD homepage, log in, and then click Free Products on the left. We can see 1 behind Go Daddy Photo Album, which means it is not activated. Click it, and then create. The process of creating a photo album is as follows Our process for creating a space is pretty much the same, and it's simpler because there's less stuff involved.
In the process of creating this photo album, a second-level domain name will be created for the domain name you purchased, such as photos.XXXX.com. In the future, you will use this address to access your photo album. After the photo album is created, return to the GD homepage. We You can now manage photo albums.
Click Manage Account behind Photo Album to enter the album management page. I will briefly describe the contents.
Create Gallery Create an album
Upload Upload photos
Setting   Setting
The items under this setting are more commonly used, such as album header settings, album style, password settings, etc. Here, we can see that the parameters of this album are 1GB capacity and 25GB monthly traffic, which is definitely enough to make a simple picture bed .
Picture bed Demonstration: http://photos.028shop.info
After my test, this picture bed also supports external links, which is very good, but the most depressing It is the same as the additional space provided by GD. There is a very conspicuous advertisement at the top of the web page. I have not removed it for the time being. In addition, this album does not support Chinese file names well enough. Will the Chinese picture names be displayed? ? ? ? ? , but if you use it as a picture bed, you can ignore the ads! Friends who need it should quickly activate it and take advantage of it!

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