I have always used GD analysis to buy rice at GD. Some of the free RU rice I applied for before (it is no longer free ) are all Put it in EDITDNS or HE.NET for parsing. However, after playing around, I still feel that GD’s parsing speed is the fastest and most stable. Today, let’s take a look at the free domain name resolution provided by GD.
First, log in to our account and click My account. At this time, please go to the left side of the page and click Off-site DNS Management under MY ACCOUNT, as shown in the picture:
Click Off-Site After DNS Management, the website will open a new page. This page is the page where we park (add) our domain name to GD to resolve . Click add off-site under the Off-site menu on the page to add the domain name we need to resolve.
After that, add the domain name in the pop-up window, and it’s OK~
Then you can click on your domain name to change the domain name resolution record, These are relatively simple. Finally, wait for the parsing to take effect.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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