GCP provides us with several ways to log in to the cloud server, but most people still like to get the IP, putty or xshell, which feels more convenient. For example, I... Record how to modify it below It can log in directly with putty.
First click on the triangle behind the connection and select Open in browser.
Then a new browser window is opened, the system has automatically logged in, we switch to root
sudo -i
and then edit the ssh configuration file
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the following content and modify it
PermitRootLogin yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
(change no to yes, remove # if there is a comment in front of it)
Finally , restart ssh
service sshd restart
OK, next we change the root password
passwd root
Then we can try to log in locally using ssh tools such as putty directly.


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