Tzulo The whois query registration time of this domain name is relatively early. It has been registered since 2000. It is also the first time to introduce the good VPS gathering. It is the news released by LEB. This is a company An American server provider provides server data centers in Chicago . There is also a series of cloud hosts on the website, but they are all sold out. Currently, two independent server packages are released on LEB with the same price. Pretty good.
Let’s first take a look at the configuration information of a $39 monthly machine.

CPU: Intel Xeon x3470 (4Cores/8HT) 2.93Ghz
Memory: 16 GB
Hard drive: 2TB*1
Monthly traffic: 10TB/1Gbps
IP: /29 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 if requested
Others: IPMI  yes and KVM
Test IP:   2607:9000:2::2   Download test

[Purchase link]
Let’s take a look at another $49 monthly payment model machine configuration and ordering information.

CPU: Dual Intel Xeon L5630 (8Cores/16HT) 2.13Ghz
Memory: 24 GB
Hard drive: 2TB*1
Monthly traffic: 10TB/1Gbps
IP: /29 IPv4 + /64 IPv6 if requested
Other: IPMI  yes and KVM
Test IP:   2607:9000:2::2   Download test

[Purchase link]
The computer room will install the Linux system on behalf of you, and you will need to pay to install Windows. , because there is KVM, it is recommended that those who need to install Windows install it themselves with KVM to save some money.


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