GoMach5 is a foreign hosting provider newly registered this year. The domain name has been registered for 6 years. The current website products include virtual hosting and independent servers, and the data center is in the United StatesLos AngelesPsychz, probably hosted on its own machine. Currently, the host company has released a low-priced server called Dual L5420 on LET with a monthly payment of only US$40.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this machine first.

CPU: Dual L5420 (2x 4 Cores, 2.5Ghz, 12MB Cache)
Memory: 16GB DDR2
Hard drive: 500GB HDD*2
Monthly traffic: 5TB/1Gbps
IP: /29 IPv4 (5 Usable) – /64 IPv6 (Upon request)
Others: 20 Gbps DDoS Protection
Test IP:

[Purchase link]https://www.gomach5.com/specialoffer/
The price of this machine is really cheap, plus it also has 20 Gbps DDoS protection, but the important thing is Say it three times: Newly opened, newly opened, newly opened! Please use your own discretion when purchasing. If you pay quarterly, you can save another $15. If you need a quote for a machine with other configurations, or a hard drive upgrade or replacement, etc., you can contact their sales directly at sales#gomach5.com (#replaced with @).


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