[Foreword]Recently, I have some information about independent servers. Judging from the readers’ responses to some independent server information that I have posted before, I found that many readers are concerned about similar issues, such as this machine. Can I open a VPS? So I will reply to similar questions at the beginning of today’s article. Most of the machines I share on my blog are single-disk hard drives without RAID (if any, I have specified otherwise). At the same time, the number of IPs that come with them by default is also limited. I personally think that it is not appropriate to do RAID10 hardware arrays and Using BBU's machines to open VPS will be a disaster for you and the users. IO is really too much to bear, so there is no need to ask similar questions. You can open a few IPs after buying them, but I can't guarantee how many can be opened.

Today I share the independent server information of EGIHosting again. Everyone should be familiar with EGI San Jose . BuyVM was there before. The domestic access stability and speed are good. Last year, I also started selling it. VPS. Currently, IDC has released several lower-priced quarterly payment machines. For example, an I7 machine is priced at US$195 per quarter, which is equivalent to only US$65 per month.

Let’s first take a look at the configuration and price information of these machines (test IP

Intel i7-870 / i5-2500 for $195 Prepaid for 3 Months (@ $65/month):

  • Intel i7-870/i5-2500
  • 8GB DDR3 RAM
  • 500GB HDD
  • 10TB on 100Mbps port
  • 5 Usable IPv4 IP addresses (/29)

Intel i3-2120 / i3-3220 for $180 Prepaid for 3 Months (@ $60/month):

  • Intel i3-2120
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM
  • 500GB HDD
  • 10TB on 100Mbps port
  • 5 Usable IPv4 IP addresses (/29)

Intel Q9400 / Q8300 for $180 Prepaid for 3 Months (@ $60/month):

  • Intel Q9400/Q8300
  • 4GB DDR3 RAM
  • 500GB HDD
  • 10TB on 100Mbps port
  • 5 Usable IPv4 IP addresses (/29)

The above are the three machines currently released. To order these servers, you need to contact sales via email sales#egihosting.com (replace # with @) or call +1.888.808.8806. If you do not have an order link, the order is valid before July 30. , the price for adding IP is $0.75/unit, please note that these special plans are non-refundable.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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