freewebhostingarea is referred to as FWHA host. This is an old free host. It is very stable and it is not troublesome to apply. The space uses its own management panel. The space size is 500M and the daily traffic limit is 5G. The monthly traffic limit is 100TB. It is estimated that few people can reach this amount, which is equivalent to unlimited.

Like all free spaces , you can choose the specified second-level domain name when registering the space, or you can register with your own domain name and use your own domain name. You don't need to change NS, just A record to the host directly. After registration, the database can be created by yourself on the management page. It's also very simple. It supports FTP and WEB file management. The WEB file management provided by the management background is similar to net2ftp, and supports online decompression. You can try it yourself. A good VPS uses this to put a picture bed program. The stability and speed are both acceptable. Let's see how long he can hold out.
Application address:
Demo address:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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