FrapHost is a foreign VPS service provider established in mid-2012. Good VPS Tribe had a brief introduction in August this year. The host provider provides VPS based on the OpenVZ architecture. The data center is in Las Vegas. This is information from LEB. The host company has released some Christmas packages (it seems that the configuration and price are the same as what I wrote in August...). This time we introduce this $25 annual package.

Let’s take a look at its configuration information first.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 1024MB

Hard drive: 15 GB

Monthly traffic: 500GB


Test IP:

【Purchase link】

Submit a work order after placing the order to get 1GB more memory, additional 500G traffic, and upgrade the port speed from 100Mbps to 200Mbps. The hosting provider did not provide a hen configuration, but from my previous article it seems that it is a Versaweb machine without RAID.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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