Foxy Hosting is a free space provider from the United States. It was established in 2010. The server is located in Los Angeles, USA. It guarantees 99.9% uptime. It uses high-speed fiber optic access and has ultra-fast domestic access speeds. But please note that its free space can only host English sites.
Foxy HostingThe parameters of free space are:
Space size: 1GB
Monthly traffic: 10GB
MySQL database: 5
The space supports WEB and FTP upload management File, the maximum upload limit for a single file is 20MB, safe mode is turned off, allow_url_fopen is enabled, no disabled functions, customizable .htaccess and error pages, free secondary domain name, supports binding CO.CC free domain name, no ads.
Space demonstration address:
Space application address:
Space application is not opened immediately and requires some waiting time. During this period, you will receive 2 emails in your mailbox, both of which are useless and do not require activation, so you can ignore them.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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