FlipperHost is the fourth time to appear here. The initial report was in 2011. This is a foreign IDC established in 2009. It provides virtual hosts, VPS and independent servers. The VPS is based on the OpenVZ architecture, including Multiple data center options including Los Angeles, Dallas, and Orlando, Florida.

Today we share his latest product news, a 512MB memory product based on the second-generation VZ architecture, with an optional 3 data centers and a monthly payment of US$4.95.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 512MB
vSWAP: 512MB
Hard drive: 50GB
Monthly traffic: 1 TB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP: Angeles)
【Buy Link】https://www.flipperhost.com/billing/cart.php?a=add&pid=147
Theoretically access to mainland Los Angeles among the three nodes provided by FlipperHost The speed is slightly better and comes from Quadranet in Los Angeles (which is what we call the PR computer room). The above package is only $12.5/quarter if paid quarterly. Compared with the previously released packages, the number of CPU cores is more reasonable, and the hard disk and monthly traffic have been significantly upgraded.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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