firstnetvps is an IDC from the UK. Look at their advertisement on WHT. The two domain names include and Belong to the same family. Hao VPS checked the domain name registration records and found that the info suffix was registered in 2009, once every two years until November 2011. This company claims 99% uptime and has its own servers.


The following is the cheap VPS configuration provided by this IDC:

Memory/burst memory: 256MB/512MB

Hard drive: 8GB

Monthly traffic: unlimited (*)

Provides 1 independent IP address, server is located in the UK

*Interestingly, this VPS does not limit traffic, but the merchant actually gives some restrictions, quote:

No charges for extra bandwidth, if usage exceeds 8Mbps over a time span of 48 hours the port is then limited to 2Mbps

[Order address]

The preferential price of this VPS is $35/year, and it only supports annual payment. The default currency of the website is Euro, which can be set to US dollars. It supports PayPal or credit card payment.

From the IDC website, we can see that all VPS have unlimited traffic. Among them, the cheapest VPS with fully managed windows server 2008 system uses 512MB memory and 50GB hard drive, with unlimited traffic (merchant note is still limited to 1- 2TB), monthly payment is $9.95. Interested friends can go and have a look.


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