I just saw a pretty good wordpress CMS theme. The overall interface is relatively fresh and the colors look simple and comfortable, so I will leave a footprint here to share. Look at the picture first:

Source of this topic: http://www.ifanqie.org/archives/154.html
The author’s introduction to the modification of the topic:
Shortcomings of the original version:
1. The Chinese display is not beautiful.
2. The rotating gallery on the homepage is prone to problems. It does not display properly under IE and requires an English category to be called.
3. If there are too many friendly links, it will affect the layout. I personally feel that the layout is too long and is not suitable for magazine themes.
4. The English display method of navigation affects the layout.
After modification:
1. The Chinese display is absolutely OK. You can compare it with the original Chinese display.
2. The image rotation plug-in on the homepage is replaced by helloflash, which is simpler but easier to use than the original one.
3. Friendly links are placed at the bottom, and custom categories can be set. For example, I put the website collection on the side, and the websites that are purely for connection are placed as friendly links at the bottom. And only displayed on the home page.
4. Two more plug-ins are added, wp-postviews, which displays the number of views of the article; wordpress-23-related-posts-plugin, which displays related articles behind the article.
5. Added a section about the author at the end of the article.
That’s about it. I think the only flaw is that the bottom friendly links cannot be automatically adjusted as the number of links increases, but the relative height. Therefore, when adding a row of friendly links, you need to set the height. I believe this is easy to solve. If you have never learned CSS, if you have learned CSS, you can modify it yourself. Modifying a theme for the first time is believed to be the first step in theme creation. I hope you can give me more opinions, but I won't accept criticism.
Theme download: Qian Brain download

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