The US FDC data center is located in Chicago computer room in Illinois and Denver computer room in Colorado, providing independent servers and VPS products, of which VPS is based on XENOnApp architecture, all packages have unlimited traffic (limited bandwidth). Currently, FDC offers a discount for new users to pay for 2 months and use it for 3 months, and for old users to pay for 10 months and use it for 12 months.
The lowest package provided by FDC is only US$9 per month. You can currently use it for 3 months by paying US$18, which is equivalent to US$6 per month.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 384MB
Hard disk: 50GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (5Mpbs)
5 IPs/Xen OnApp

Test IP:
【Purchase connection】
The central US computer room VPS provided by FDC has average domestic access speed, but it has unlimited traffic, 5 IPs, and Xen OnApp architecture , it’s quite powerful, but it’s a pity that it hasn’t caught up with the good times. In the early days, it even gave a 300GB hard drive at this price. I’m speechless. Now it’s only in the hands of scalpers~~~

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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