EMSVPS (easy speed) is estimated to be one of the fastest growing Chinese IDCs this year. From OneMan to the company, in just a few months, it currently provides a number of servers and lines to choose from. There is a lot of leeway.
Today, in order to celebrate the launch of the new CA computer room Co line, EMSVPS (Easy) launched a new lifetime 12% off discount code.
[Onlooker address]EMSVPS (Easy Speed) direct connection
[Discount code] esfast
After using the discount code, a 256MB XEN VPS (*XENSERVER, can install windows or Linux) with the original price of ¥65 yuan/month is only ¥57.2 yuan/month. I tried Hao VPS, but GM1, which is originally priced at RMB 40 per month, does not enjoy this discount.