The predecessor of EMSHOST is EMSVPS, also known as Easy Speed ​​Internet . It is an excellent VPS host provider in China. It has been providing VPS hosts based on XEN architecture and selected five high-speed data centers (Los Angeles WebNX, Fremont, San Jose, Los Angeles PR and Seattle). To celebrate the launch of the new node in Seattle, EMSHOST has launched a lifetime 50% off discount code.
This 100Mbps port VPS with unlimited monthly traffic is only 74 yuan per month after using the discount code. Its configuration is:

CPU: I7 920 x 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (100Mbps)

[Test IP]
[Discount code]off50
Go to Yisu official website to purchase→
This XEN comes from the United States Seattle ST computer room has excellent domestic access speed and unlimited traffic, which is very powerful. Friends who like it, hurry up.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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