
efree2net.com is an IDC from the United States. Its main website is located at SoftLayer Technology Company in Dallas, Texas. It provides VPSThe product is in the T2 computer room in Santa Clara. This domain name was registered as early as 2000, but it is unclear what it was doing before. The next renewal time will be about a year later.

The original price of the $10/3-month VPS mentioned today is $9.5/month, but the official decided to free the first three months and only charge a $10 installation fee. In other words, If you give $10, you can play for three months. It is relatively cost-effective and suitable for friends who want to play around with it. The following is the configuration of this VPS:

Memory/burst memory: 256MB/1GB

Hard drive: 30GB

Monthly traffic: 300GB

Provide 2 independent IP addresses (you can request not to be in the same segment)

Single core CPU/OpenVZ

Provide a test IP:

I just tracert this IP address, using the cogentco line, and the access speed for telecom users is good.

[Ordering address]http://www.efree2net.com/linux-vps-openvz.cfm

It is said that the $10 payment can be refunded by using PayPal. That does not mean that it is free for 3 months (it seems a bit unkind O(∩_∩)O). I haven’t tried it. I’d rather go for it if you like to mess around.

In addition, good VPS found that they also provide free space , the free space size is 2GB, and the monthly traffic is 20GB. It is required to put the words host provided by efree2net in the footer, which is not too demanding. Well, those who need free space can also try it.


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