I believe that many forum friends choose the Discuz program. However, during use, we will find that all passwords can be changed. Just log in to the ucenter user center, user management, and change the password. , including the admin login password. However, after logging out, you will find that the password for admin login backend has been changed, but the DX founder password has not changed. What should I do? Today I will show you the simplest way to change the founder’s password.
First, use the FTP tool to connect to your space and transfer the files I provide later to the ucenter directory (mostly the uc_server directory).
Then run the file, for example: https://www.vpsok.net/uc_server/reset.php (replace my address with your forum address, this is just a demonstration, there is actually no such directory and file! )
[File download]115 network disk download
[Prompt] Modification completed After entering the password, please delete the file immediately! Remember! This file comes from Discuz official, please feel free to use it!

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