[Latest update] This domain name registrar has begun to delete a large number of accounts. It is very tragic. Although the good VPS only applied for one account, it was also deleted. I just found that the ID cannot be logged in~~ The domain name is still there, but it has been deleted. Unmanageable!
Some friends found that there are no euros for registration now. After testing by enthusiastic netizens, it was found that the site activities are still continuing, but for the Chinese IP, euros are no longer free. You should know what to do. . . .
domaindiscount24.net is a domain name registrar under key-system. It has obtained ICCAN certification in 1998, so it is quite experienced. There was a .info domain name for £0.99 before, but now domaindiscount24.net has launched a free 5-pound shopping voucher. You can exchange it for .eu domain names and .info domain names, which is basically free!
In the morning, Boring saw the news about domaindiscount24.net free domain name on Yingjia Forum. Boring also registered one. In fact, it is not a free domain name, but you will get 5 euros for registration! Then you can use the 5 euros to buy a domain name. Currently, their info domain name is 0.99 euros, and the eu domain name is also very cheap, less than 3 euros. However, this 5 euros can only be purchased for the first time. Everyone should pay attention to the usage.
Website: http://domaindiscount24.net/
In addition, it is said that this event is valid from 2010.12.1 to 2010.12.31. For this month, everyone can register and purchase if they need it. However, , don’t abuse it~~
I made an info, hehe, it’s pretty good, please click: http://imzr.info/

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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