DollarVPS is an American VPS hosting provider, affiliated with HostSign. About a year ago, Good VPS introduced the 1-dollar VPS it provided (Previous Review), and the data center is in Sk Langton. Currently, the hosting provider has released a new product, a US$1.25 VPS located in New York , and its configuration has also been upgraded from before.
The product configuration this time is as follows.

Memory: 128MB
Burst memory: 384MB
Hard disk: 10GB
Monthly traffic: 200GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Purchase link:
Generally, products with this price must be paid annually, but this VPS supports monthly payment, which is very good, if you pay annually It is US$12/year, and the host provider also provides products based on XEN architecture, with prices starting from US$5/month.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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